REVISED DRAFT May 10/06            
TOPIC B.C. CODE ALTA  CODE NS U/g Mining Regulations 2003 CBDC (Fed) 1990 Regs MISSING or NOT INITIAL COMMENTS  
Scope Act 2:  Reg 1; Code Pt1.1;Pt36.531:  Act 17-18: 3: (u/g at CBDC only) Generically in all BC & Alta inc. surface & u/g mines in same Cade; NS & Fed have Reg's (not Code) and do not; Fed is for CBDC only  
Obligations - employers Act 21/24(1) Act 2(1); 32; Code Pt.36.685-6 Act 18-19 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? BC- Apt a mgr and comply with Act/Reg/Code  
Obligations - workers Act 24(2) Act 2(1); 14; Code Pt36.684 Act 17-18: u/g Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? BC-comply with Act/Reg/Code  
Inspectors & Powers Act 3-9/15/19/31, Reg'n Act 5 Act 47-53/73 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? BC-Min>Ch.Ins.Mines delegates powers to inspectors > inspections &invesitgations  
Advisory Body Act 9 Not found, maybe elsewhere Act 24-26 CMSC Not in Alta/CBDC? BC-allows a main and regional Adv bodies to assist CI in  approvals/investigations  
Permits Act 10-11;Code7.2,8.11.1,10.4.1 AUEB 35-49; NSDNR; NSDEL CMSC/NSDNR/NSDEL Generically in all BC-Min>Ch.Ins.Mines issues permits from-cradle-to-grave, including bonding, others may cover this elsewhere  
Mine reclamation fund (bonding) Act 12 AUEB NSDNR; NSDEL Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? BC-requires mine specific reclamation bonding in Code, others may cover this elsewhere  
Variances Act 13; Code 1.2 Act 34 (1);  Reg.10; CodePt.1.1.A; Act 83, Regs 3(1),116-118  Can Lab Code (CLC) II-137(1)(2)>CMSC; 5 Generically in all BC-Ch.Ins>variances, = or > OHS; Alta-Dir>acceptance, = or > OHS; NS-Dir>deviation; Fed-CMSC>exemption OHS not diminished  
Inspections Act15(1)-16,Reg'n,1.6.3/5.3  Act 8-11/15; Code Pt.36.604/690/730 Act 66, 82,116-117/121 39, 41-47 Generically in all BC-can inspect at any time, report in 7 days mgmt resp in 15 days; Alta officer has much power can sop work & order correction  
Abandoned Mines Act 17 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found, maybe elsewhere Not specific (ref.161 closure) In BC only BC-Ins can make safe, remediate pollution for abandoned mine(s)>lien, others may cover it elsewhere  
Engineering Reports Act 18 Act 27 Not found, maybe elsewhere CMSC Not in NS/CBDC? BC-Ins can order mine to provide Eng/prof report into anHS issue or invest'n concern, Alta Minister may engage on OHS matters;  
Managers/Supervisors Act 21-24/26;Code1.7.1/1.8.1/6.1-6.7 Act 34; Code Pt.36.683/685, 61-64 8-9, Generically in all All require a Mgr; BC-have aMineMrg/Supervisorsdaily or deign/quaif'd, must comly with regs/Code;   
Manager's Temp'y Absence Act 23 Pt.36.684-685 63 Temp'y not mentioned, Perm't>Reg 8 Not in CBDC? BC-responsible person (Mgr's cert); Alta-acting Mgr(Mgr's cert, being reviewed); NS-alternte (Mgr's qual'n)  
Contractors Act 25 Act 2(3)-(5)/3/4 Act 14-16 Not mentioned, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? BC-Contractor & his ConMgr must comply with regs and if not treated as Mine Mgr; Alta & NS include them as responsible  
Plans Act 27, 6.3/6.8/10.1  Pt.36.533/556/681 19,25,43-51,53,55-57 Pt VI, 158-161 Generically in all BC-Mgr post uptodate plans in office; Alta Part 2 Haz. Assess. PEng certifies changes, NS plans by approp.engr.   
OHS Committee Act 32 Act 6/7/31; Code Pt.13 Act 27-33; Reg 23-24 Not found, maybe elsewhere, CLC? Generically in all BC-mines must have OHSCs according to regs and they must be active  
Appeals/Enforcement Act 33/35 Act 16-17/42-44 Act 54-57/67-72 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? BC-appeal to ChInsp.; insp powers to enforce  
Accident Investigation Act 7-8; Reg; 1.7 Act 18-19 Act 63-65; Reg 28 Not found, maybe elsewhere, CLC? Generically in all BC- CI/insp can investigate death/injury/env.damage  
Absence of Code Req't 1.1.2 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found, maybe elsewhere Can Lab Code II-137(1)(2)>CMSC In BC only Only specific mention in BC Code  
Keep records at the mine site Act27/28/30; Code 6.4.2/6.6.1/7.9 Pt5.34; Pt.36.690(1) Act 34-35; Reg.8-18/20/29-34 4, Generically in all In all in one form or another  
Offence/Penalty Act 37 Act 41 Act 74; Reg.60 Not found, maybe elsewhere, CLC? Not in CBDC? In all in one form or another; BC-$100k =/- jail + $0.5-5k/day until fixed  
Surveyors Not specific [10.1.10(4)] Pt.36.682, 747(6,7) 71 2, 160 Generically in all BC-no specific mention, maybe for plans - only if CI requires  
Hazard Assessment Not found, maybe elsewhere (Act 18-Engr.Report?) Pt.2 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in NS/CBDC? Alta only has a specific requirement in Code for hazard assessment of all work sites  
Board of Inquiry Not found, maybe elsewhere Act 38 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found in regulations Not in BC/NS/CBDC? Alta only has a specific requirement in Code for a possible Board of Inquiry if in public interest  
Max. Working Hours 1.5 Not found, maybe elsewhere 89 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in Alta/CBDC? BC-max 50hrs/wk, max shift 16hrs, other conditions; NS-normal shift 8hrs/wk, max shift 16hrs, other conditions; others maybe elsewhere  
Bonus Plan Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found, maybe elsewhere 90 Not found, maybe elsewhere, CMSC? Not in BC/Alta/CBDC? NS-allows under certain conditions; CBDC praticed a bonus scheme under union contract  
DANGEROUS OCCURENCES 1.7 Pt.36.544.1/2 27(1), 28, 123, 128; Act 63 162-166, 46 Generically in all BC report in <16hrs; Alta as soon as poss; NS<24hrs; CBDc "forthwith"  
Rockfalls, subsidences Pt.36.544.1a 27 (1,f), 27 (2,j/n) 46 Generically in all BC/Alta in detail; NS somehwat generic deals with reporting and correction asap; CBDC genereic: evcuate, post report  
Dam failures Pt.36.544.2 27 (1, c) (2, n) 46 Generically in all BC/Alta in detail; NS somehwat generic deals with reporting and correction asap; CBDC genereic: evcuate, post report  
Hoists,4 Pt.36.544.1g 27 (2, h) 46 Generically in all BC/Alta in detail; NS somehwat generic deals with reporting and correction asap; CBDC genereic: evcuate, post report  
Inrushes,4 Pt.36.541.2.a/544.1g/749 27 (1, c), 109-110 54,55 Generically in all BC/Alta in detail; NS somehwat generic deals with reporting and correction asap; CBDC genereic: evcuate, post report  
Explosions Pt.36.544.1d 27 (1, e) (2, c) 46 Generically in all BC/Alta in detail; NS somehwat generic deals with reporting and correction asap; CBDC genereic: evcuate, post report  
Gas inflows Pt.36.544.1e/749 27 (1,h//1) 54,126 Generically in all BC/Alta in detail; NS somehwat generic deals with reporting and correction asap; CBDC genereic: evcuate, post report  
Ventilation Stop Pt.36.544.1b 27 (1, g) 46 Generically in all BC/Alta in detail; NS somehwat generic deals with reporting and correction asap; CBDC genereic: evcuate, post report  
Out-of-control vehicle Pt.36.544.1c 27 (2,l) 46 Generically in all BC/Alta in detail; NS somehwat generic deals with reporting and correction asap; CBDC genereic: evcuate, post report  
Fires Pt.36.544.1d, e 27 (1, a/b) 46 Generically in all BC/Alta in detail; NS somehwat generic deals with reporting and correction asap; CBDC genereic: evcuate, post report  
Electrical Pt.36.544.1f 27 (2, f/o/p/q) 46 Generically in all BC/Alta in detail; NS somehwat generic deals with reporting and correction asap; CBDC genereic: evcuate, post report  
Outbursts (Rock & Gas),6.42.1,8.11.2 Pt.36.749? 27 (1, d) 46 Generically in all Not specific in BC  
Other Pt.36.544.1g 27 (1) (2) 46 Generically in all BC/Alta in detail; NS somehwat generic deals with reporting and correction asap; CBDC genereic: evcuate, post report  
Geological Faults 10.4.3(e) Pt.36.707(3)f 36.e; 111 56 Generically in all Not specific in BC  
Self Rescuers 1.8.8 (not specific SCSR) Pt.36.692(not specific SCSR) 87-88; SCSR-80 152 Generically in all BC specifies NIOSH 42 CFR Pt 84; Alta/NS/CBDC specifify none.  
Right to Refuse Work Act 15; 1.1 Act 9/35-37 Act 43-44; 27 (2, e);  Not found, maybe elsewhere, CLC? Not in CBDC? Could not find it in Alta.  
Training 1.11 Pt. 29.397 Reg.15; Part 12 35(3), 57 Generically in all Both require trained & qual'd supervisors.  
Supervision                                    ) 1.12.3 Pt.36.683/684 65,  8-9 Generically in all BC by Board of Exam'rs; Alta/NS under OHS Reg'ns.  
Job Certification Procedure 1.13 Reg: 24-34 Part 12, 424 to 468 2 - definitions "certification" Generically in all BC/Alta/CBDc reuire a provincial Board of Examiners to certify comptency; NS does not>employers Job Training Program  
            Alta allows temporary non-certified substitutes. BC min.age 18 yrs; Alta?  
Work place Contaminants 2.1 Reg 2-4 NSDEL Not found, maybe elsewhere, CLC? Not in CBDC? BC-Max.Exposures, Shift.Times,   
Work Place Hazards 2.2 Reg 5 NSDEL Not found, maybe elsewhere, CLC? Not in CBDC? BC-effective housekeeping  
Hazardous Materials & Waste 2.3 Reg.4; Pt.20 Radiation, Pt.35 health Act 58 Not found, maybe elsewhere, CLC? Not in CBDC? BC-Asbestos, Others-dusts, wastes, radiation, isocyanites; others less specific  
Harmful Chemical Exposure 2.4 Pt.4;Sched.1 NSDEL Not found, maybe elsewhere, CLC? Not in CBDC? BC-emergency wash and protection  
Noise 2.6 Pt.16; Sched.3 446 ( r ) [training] Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? BC-mufflers required  
Lasers 2.7 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found, maybe elsewhere Can Lab Code II-137(1)(2)>CMSC? Not in Alta/NS/CBDC? BC-ANSI std/protection  
Illumination (see Lighting below) 2.8(u/g 2.8.3) Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in Alta/NS/CBDC? BC-u/g lighting at specific places, c/v roads, shaft stns, first aid stns  
Musculoskeletal Disorders 2.9 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in Alta/NS/CBDC? BC-modification and protection  
Thermal Environment 2.1 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in Alta/NS/CBDC? BC-heat/cold stress  
Medical Surveillance 2.12;8.3.10-11 Act 20-24/26 Act 42/62 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? BC-reqts/testing/advice/records/analysis/payment  
WHMIS 2.13 Act 29-30; Pt.4; Pt.29 Act 58-60; NS WHMIS regs 196/88 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? BC-use/storage/handling/educ/training/labels/MSDS sheets.Not specific in NS OHS Act or Ug Mining Regs, but in WHMIS Regs.  
Threshold Limit Values Table 2-1 Schedule 1, Table 2 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in NS/CBDC? BC-inc RCD and coal dust  
SAFETY Pt.3 Pt.12 Part II (35-58) Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC?    
Impairment/Violence 3.1 Pt.27 Not found, maybe elsewhere 142 Not in NS? BC - inc.impairment, drugs, liquor, improper conduct; Alta-violence and sources of ignition; NS not specific on any except ignition; CBDC alcohol, drugs and sources of ignition  
Tallying Act 9; 3.2.2 Pt.36.691 Reg.77-78 35(1c) Generically in all All require a system of knowing who is u/g at any time [Fed ~37: <15 in a single heading]  
Working Alone 3.2.3 Pt. 28/Pt.36.687 91, Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? BC checks <2.5 hr intervals; Alta no time limit; NS checks <2hr intervals; CBDC-could not find  
Haz./Unsafe Conditions 3.3 Pt.2/Pt.36.688, Act 35 123, 45, 46, 162 Generically in all BC manager's plan, Alta immed.notif'n.& withdrawal, NS immed.withdrawal/correction; CBDC-immediate report and action  
Confined Spaces 3.4 Pt.5 Occ.Saf.Gen.Regs.12/29/137 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Not mentioned specifically in NS OHS Act or Ug Mining Regs, but maybe as OHS Regs?  
Fire Prevention 3.5 Pt.10; Pt.36.547-558 Pt 5, 145-154/164-178 146-150 Generically in all Covered in all to varying degrees  
No Open Flame 3.5.1/3.5.2 Pt.36.621/693 156-157 141 Generically in all BC, Alta, NS-prohibit; CBDC-same as hot work, 24hr notice, test, procedure  
No Contraband 3.1.2/3.5.2 Pt.10.162; Pt.36.693-694 156 (1), 157-159 142-143 Generically in all BC/Alta-prohibit, search not pecified; NS/CBDC- prohibit and search  
Welding/Hot Work 3.5.1(3)/3,4.4.7 Pt.10.169; Pt.18.231; Pt.36.571/693.4/746 160-161 141, Generically in all Alta specifies in more detail, including lights,flametraps, foil wrap. Fed inc. alcohol & drugs  
Fire-proofing Roadways Not found, maybe elsewhere Pt.36.549 162 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in BC/CBDC? BC/CBDC - not found; Alta-specific around c/v drives, desires fire-resistance elsewhere; NS-shafts and fans, not generic in ine  
First Aid 3.6 Pt.11; Sched.2 58SchA(25)/374(1)/446/447/455/461-4 153, SchV & VI Generically in all Required in all, NS mainly injob training  
Mine Rescue 3.7 Pt.7.117-118 68, 69, 80, 87, 135-143 151-154, Sch III, IV Generically in all BC specific to mine rescue; Alta is more generic; NS and CBDC in some detail  
Emergency Response 3.8 Pt.7; Pt.36.545-546 124-131/165 35(1,b) Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail  
Emergency Training 3.8 Pt.36.545-547 126, 440, 455-458 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Specific in BC/Alta/NS to varying degrees  
U/g Firefighting 3.9-3.11 Pt.36.548-9/554-558 145-146? 164, 165, 166 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Specific in BC/Alta/NS to varying degrees  
Evacuation/Escapeways 3.13; 6.3.1 Pt.7.117, Pt.8.119, Pt.36.702/707 125 (2) f) v) 35.1.a; CMSC Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail  
Emergency Warning system 3.13.2-4 Pt.36.551/552 125(2,g), 131-133 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? BC/Alta/NS generic: evacuation warning system req'd; CBDC-no warning system specified  
U/g Garages and fueling 4.3.1-4 Pt.36.704 58 SchA (13) Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Varying detail across the jurisdictions, except CBDC  
U/g Fuel Stations 4.3.3 Pt.36.697-698/704-5 165(1)d171-172 100(2) Not in CBDC? Varying detail across the jurisdictions  
Bulk Fuel Storage 4.3.5-9 Pt.36.696 41, 168, 169-174 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Varying detail across the jurisdictions, except CBDC  
Welding/Burning 3.5.1(3)/3,4.4.7 Pt.10.169; Pt.18.231; Pt.36.571/693.4/746 160-161 141, Generically in all Found in all, procedures specified to varying degree of detail  
Main surface fans for u/g ventn 4.4.13-4.4.14 Pt.36.719-721/726 204, 218,219 114, 116-118 Generically in all Varying detail across the jurisdictions  
CONVEYORS                             ) 4.4.16 Pt.36.598-606 256, CSA M421-00 Not found specifically, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Only Alta specifically deals with CO monitors - Pt36.605; CBDC does not specifical mention them; NS inother reg's  
Manriding Pt.36.603 ) Not found specifically, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? BC bans manriding; Alta allows it under specificed conditions; NS/CBDC don't mention it.  
Crossing over on bridges Part 25 373 ) (278(d) Not found specifically, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Not specified in Alta/CBDC  
Inspection walkways Pt.36.600/606? ) Not found specifically, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Alta 36.600 requires travelling room, inspection walkways not mentioned; CBDC don't mention  
Pull cords to stop Pt.36.599.1 )Occ.Safety Gen.Regs.6/97-100 Not found specifically, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? NS only has 1 brief section on c/v "testing, maintenance, inspc'n of c/vs   
Audible pre-start warning Pt.36.552? ) Not found specifically, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Alta 36.522 requires emergency warning, c/v audible warning  not mentioned; CBDC doesn't mention  
Guarding of pulleys Pt.22? ) Not found specifically, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Alta/CBDC don't mention  
Beltslip/Sprinkler/Plugged chutes Pt36.599.2/604 ) Not found specifically, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC?  Alta - Sprinkler and plugges chute not mentioned; CBDC don't mention  
Spillage cleanup Pt.36.548.b/550.a/601 ) Not found specifically, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC?  CBDC don't specifically mention  
Lock-outs, 4.11 Pt.15? ) Not found specifically, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Alta/CBDC don't mention  
Guards and fences Pt.22? ) 48, Generically in all Not specified in Alta  
Safe working procedures Pt.2.7-11 ) 52, Generically in all BC specific to mine rescue; Alta/CBDC is generic,   
Type of belting Pt.36.598 256 (1) 141 (3) Generically in all BC/Alta/NS require CAN/CSA 422-M87; CBDC only fire performance and antistatic belting Fed??  
InspectionExamination Pt36.599.2/604 256 (2)  53, Generically in all NS only has 1 brief section on c/v "testing, maintenance, inspc'n of c/vs; CBDc daily mechanic inspection   
Auto Fire Alarm Pt.36.543-545/551/605 ) 129 (longwall) Generically in all  CBDC refer specifically to longwall only  
Clearances Pt.36.550/595/600/602/606 ) 48, Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail  
MOBILE EQUIPMENT              
Mobile Equipment 4.6/ 4.9 Reg.12;Pt.19, Pt.36.573-596/704-706 257-261,274-276,279-289 59-60 Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail (CBDC did not use many diesel vehicles so is light on detail)  
  4.6/ 4.9 Pt.36.573-596/704-706 254-289 59-60 Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail  
Clearances,6.16.1-2,6.17.1 Pt.36.595/600/602/606 274-277 60 Generically in all NS rail 0.3m vert/0.6m horz; non-rail 0.6m vert, 1.5/2.0m horiz;Fed 0.3mvert/0.6m horiz  
Diesel Equipment U/g 4.6.1 Pt.36.597/705/732 41,171-4,215,225(5),255-261 59, 99 -105 Generically in all Alta, also Pt.19 Mobile Equip. (eg .260 Insp.&Main.; BC specifies min. 0.06 m3/sec of ventilation air for each kW; not in others.  
Trackless Diesels                             ) 4.7.1 Pt.36.574/596-597 266, 59-60 Generically in all BC/Alta/NS - Ref.CAN/CSA 3.16-99, Mining Diesel Fuel;M424.1-88 Flame-Proof; and M424.3-M90 Braking Performance; NS also MSHA 30 CFR (2002); CBDC none of these specified  
Flammable Materials 4.8.1 Pt.10.162 162.1 144-145 Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail  
Fire suppression in diesels 4.9.6 Pt.10.166 (1) 165 (g) Not diesel but 108-batt.char'g&115-booster fan Not in CBDC? In all to varying degrees of detail (CBDC did not use many diesel vehicles so is light on detail)  
No sparks or flames from diesels 3.5.3 CSA424.M88/90 259, 99, 103 Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail  
Personnel Carriers & other cars 4.9.7,4.9.8 Not found, maybe elsewhere 266-271 59, 81-92 Not in Alta? In all to varying degrees of detail  
Railways 4.10.1-4 Pt.36.706 286/386 - locomotives only 59-62, 88-89, 100-107 Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail  
Lock-out Procedures 4.11 Pt.15 344(2) - raise climbers only 2 - definitions, 49 Generically in all In BC/AltaCBDC to varying details  
Equipment Auto Shutdown       ) 4.9.6, Elec = 6.43.4 Pt.36.543/738.5/6; 597 - CSA424.M-88/90 all=234, diesel=176(b),electric=235-9 115(1) booster fan Generically in all BC auto of power at coal face @1.25%; Alta auto of head, manual power off; NS auto of all including mobile equip, zoned:@ 0.5/1.25% CH4; CBDC: manual@1.25%  
Remote controlled Equipment 6.18 72(3) lifting devices; 214 lock-out 76,82,231-2(env), 262-265 132 (env-gases) Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail  
Battery charging 6.21.1 Pt.36.566 43, 175 108 Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail  
MECHANICAL 4.4-4.12/6.16 Pt.19 Mobile Powered Equipment 55, 200-202, 322-355 51-53 Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail  
fire resistant fluids 4.8.3/4['97:4.9.6] Pt.36.548(2) Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found specifically, maybe elsewhere Not in NS/CBDC? Found in BC and Alta  
ELECTRICAL 5 Pt.36.560-572 46, 51, 187-199 36, 51-52 Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail  
Electrical Standards                  ) 5.1.1/5.2.2-3 Pt.36.560 189-190, 312, 321 Not found, maybe elsewhere, CMSC? Not in CBDC? Ref. CSA M421-00 Use of Electricity in Mines AND Can. Electrical Code;   
Electrical Equip Certific'n 5.2.3 Can Elec Code 192-193 51 Generically in all BC - requires MSHA or NRCan's Can. Explosives Lab; Alta not specific  
Lighting 2.8.1/3 Part 12 186; CEC 83-84, 86 36 (1-flame saf'y;2-cap) Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail  
Hazardous Zoning 5.1.1/5.2.2/5.2.4/5.3-5.4 Pt.10.165-166(5)Pt.36.522/524 CanElecCode 45, 188, 191-192 51 Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail  
Safe Procedures 5.3.1 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found, maybe elsewhere 52, Not in Alta/NS? Varying degrees of detail, maybe elsewhere in NS  
Voice Communication 7.7.5/10 Pt.36.697-699, 704-706 82/92 151SchIV(12) - mine rescue only Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail but none specific to 2-way voice mine-wide and especially not to wireless  
Mine Plans Act 27, 6.1.1/6.3.2/6.8/10.1 Pt.36.681/708 35-60, 90 158-160, CMSC? Generically in all BC/NS specify in detail & in permit process; Alta needs annual surveyed plan of prodn.&vent'n; 90days prior submission to CMSC  
Shift Reports 6.4 Pt.36.690 117, 118, 119 33, 45 Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail  
Pre-shift Inspections 6.7/6.25 Pt.36.690.3 75, 117, 118, 119 39, 41 Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail  
Haul Roads 6.9 Pt.36.539 Occ.Safety Gen.Regs.15 not applicable Not in CBDC In BC/Alta to varying degrees of detail implicitly on surface haul roads; not in NS/CBDC as u/g mines only  
Pillars 6.11,6.25.4/5 Pt.36.611.4/747.4 52, [47 (1) shaft pillar?] 159, Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail; BC - bdy pillars >30m each side; Alta >100m each side; NS generic (but shaft pillar-60m rad?).  
Exploration Boreholes (u/g) Not found, maybe elsewhere Pt.36.748 107-109 54 Not in BC? Not in BC, in others to varying degrees of detail  
Mine Openings 6.12 Pt.36.700-702 93, 95, 96, 97,208 38(2), 61 Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail  
Separation of int/ret at surface 6.12.2 (30m) Pt.36.700-701(30m) 93/95/208-30m 38,109-30m Generically in all BC/Alta similar req'ts for portals, mine outlets and escape routes; All need 30m solid or substantial rock separation.  
Min size of roadways Not found, maybe elsewhere escapeways only, Pt 36:702 96, 38, 61 Not in BC? Not in BC, in others to varying degrees of detail  
Refuge Stations 6.13 Pt.36.559 146-153 Not found Not in CBDC? Similar req'ts for contents but BC/NS specify location; Alta more generic; CBDC were deliberately left out  
Bulkheads 6.14.1 (dams) Pt.19.268 (vehicle stop blocks), 544 (dams) 27 (dams), 41/42/50/53/58SchA(14) Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Not in CBDC, in others to varying degrees of detail  
Safety Stns/Manholes 6.17 Pt.36.703 277-278  60(1.f/3) Generically in all BC - inspector states distance apart; Alta is <20m apart; NS:30/50/100 depending on location; CBDC 100/30 and dimensions  
Remote Control Operation 6.18 Not found, maybe elsewhere 76, 82, 262-265 132 (env.gases) Not in Alta? Not specified in Alta Part 36 Mining or CBDC (except for environmental monitoring)  
Battery Charging 6.21 Pt.36.566 43, 156.2.A; 175 106-108 Generically in all Alta requires Directors approval, also bans battery repairs u/g.  
Drilling 6.24.3 Pt.36.537 106-107 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Bc requires dust suppresson in drilling  
Old Workings 6.25/6.40 Pt.36.749 108-109, 212 barricades 55,56,159 Generically in all Not specified directly in Alta Part 36 Mining; NS probing within 100m.  
Inrush/Inflows 3.3.1/3/6.25.4/6.26 Pt.36.749 108-112 54, 125 (approved procedure) Generically in all Alta requires a scheme for approaching old workings/surface; NS probing within 100m.  
Undersea/underwater f Pt 36 749(1) by inference 110 55 Generically in all    
Interaction Not found, maybe elsewhere Pt 36 707(3)g 111-112 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC?    
Support of Roof and Sides 3.3.1/6.25/10.1.4 f Pt.36.707-710/747 52, 103-104 159 Generically in all Alta outlines support sysytem req'ts, operating rules, support withdrawal; Others are generic; CBDC a geotech plan.  
Rock Bolts Not found, maybe elsewhere Pt.36.741 52 159 Not in BC? Only specified in Alta  
Depillaring Not found, maybe elsewhere Pt.36.708/710 52 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in BC/CBDC? Only specified in Alta  
Backfill Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found, maybe elsewhere 113-114 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in BC/Alta/CBDC? Only specified in NS  
Rock Passes/Raises/Chutes 6.26/6.29 Pt.36.717 105-106 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Varying detail across the jurisdictions, except CBDC  
Stairways/Ladders 6.27-28 Pt.8.122-137 98-102, 340 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Varying detail across the jurisdictions, except CBDC  
Flammable Waste (u/g) 2.3.6/8, 4.3.2(5), 6.3 Pt.36.548.1.b/c 157(3), 168-169 114-115 Generically in all In all to varying degrees of detail  
Fire Doors U/g 6.32 Pt.36.514/548.2.e 179, 213 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Varying detail across the jurisdictions, except CBDC  
Subsidence 10.1.4 f Pt.36.544 a 27, 114,  55 Not in CBDC? Varying detail across the jurisdictions, CBDC in context of undersea mining  
VENTILATION 6.33 Pt.26; Pt.36.711-729 53, 203-230 109-132 Generically in all    
Vent'n Plan/surveys 6.3.2(5); 6.37.1/6.39.2 Pt.36.727 42.1.a; 204 113/119 Generically in all    
Air Quality 2.1.4, 6.37.2 (4) Pt 36 711(1)c 204 (1, c), 209 (3) 110,120->19%O2<1.25%CO2 Generically in all BC>19.5%O2, other gases, testing  
Air Quantity 4.6.1(3); 6.3.2(5) Pt.36.711.1.d 53(1)d/204(3) 209 (3) 110/113/119/120/124/150 Generically in all BC-min0.6m3/sper kW, others put quantity on vent'n plan  
Air Velocity Not found, maybe elsewhere Pt.36.712 53(2)d/204(1) 209 (3) Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in BC/CBDC? BC-not found, Alta>0.3m/s, NS 20m/min, CBDC not found  
Brattice Not found, maybe elsewhere Pt.36.724 213 160 (3) a plans Not in BC? Varying detail across the jurisdictions, except BC  
Cross-cuts/Bleeder Not found, maybe elsewhere Pt.36.728/735 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in BC/Alta/CBDC? Only specified in Alta  
No compressed air for vent'n 6.36.4 Pt 36 711(3)b 209(4),229-230 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Varying detail across the jurisdictions, except CBDC  
Fixed Equip/Mine Fans                   ) 4.4.13-4.4.14 Pt.36.719-721/726 204, 218,219 114, 116-118 Generically in all Varying detail across the jurisdictions  
Reverse Flow                                  ) 4.4.13 Pt36.720 223 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Varying detail across the jurisdictions, except CBDC  
Explosion Doors Pt 36 721(1) - w.r.t fan openings 219(2) 114(2) Generically in all Varying detail across the jurisdictions  
Offset of fan Pt 36 721(1) 219(1,b) 114 (1) c no distance spec'd Generically in all All specify 5m except CBDC where no distance specified  
Booster Fans 6.36.3(4) Pt.36.722, 725-726 220, 115 -118,123-125 safe op proc Generically in all BC-only lt alloys content/ Alta/NS/CBDC specifically deal with booster fans; BC-Requires inspector's permission; Alta allows only in portal structures; NS is generic.  
U/g  Air Heaters                         ) 4.4.19/6.35.1 Pt.36.548.1.f/695 163, Not found, maybe elsewhere Generically in all Ref. Installation Codes CSA B139.00 (Oil) B149.1-00 Nat.Gas/Propane),  
Return Air 6.33.1/6.39.1 Pt.36.718 204, 207 110, Generically in all Clearer in BC than Alta but implied in Pt.36.718 Splits.  
Barometer Readings 6.33.2 Pt.36.719/727 232-233 121 Generically in all    
Interruption to Main Fan 6.34 Pt.36.726.2 224-225 116 Generically in all BC requires automatic withdrawal of personnel; Alta does not; NS withdrawal to a safe place.  
Auxialliary Ventilation 6.36 Pt.36.712.2/723/724 204(3/5-6), 226-230 114 Generically in all Alta specifies 0.3 m/sec as min. air velocity; BC/NS don't say; NS no comp.air.  
Aux. Fans - Light Alloys 6.36.3(4,5) Pt.36.538, 725, 726 218 CMSC Generically in all BC bans Al, Mg, Ti or light metal alloy in fans; Alta bans Al blades.  
Single entry/blind headings 6.36.1 Pt.36.701(4), 729 93,97,248 37, (<15 people) Generically in all  NS <500m  
Degassing 6.36.2/3 Pt.36.733-735 35?,225(3), 227 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? BC specifies <1.25% expl.gas over the fan; Alta/NS don't say; CBDC not found   
Ventilation Monitoring 6.37 Pt.36.719/727 205/6, 232?, 245-6 121-122 Generically in all BC air mmts <3mths, <1wk in diesel roads; Alta some daily, vent'n<1wk; NS flam/CO/O2.  
Remote Monitoring & Control (c/v's) Not found, maybe elsewhere 232(1-5), 236(3a) 132 (env. Gases) Not in Alta? In all to varying degrees of detail  
Respirable Particulate RCD 2.1/table 2-1, 6.37.2(3) Pt.36.742.1-744 214, 215(1,d), 215(4,f) 111-113 MRDE Casella Generically in all BC/NS diesel gases tested shiftly <1.5mg/m3RCD; Alta not specific;  NS health limits ACGIH TLVs 2005 coal/silica  
Diesel vent'n 4.6.1(3), 6.37.2 Pt.36.732 215,225(5) <1.25% 100 Generically in all Varying detail across the jurisdictions  
Doors Closing 6.38 Pt.36.714 213 (3) Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? BC requires auto closing; Alta one door closed at any time  
Splits 6.39 Pt.36.718/727/729 204 (2), 248 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Varying detail across the jurisdictions, except CBDC  
Unventilated Workings 6.40.1 Pt.36.736(1) 212, 143-159 Generically in all Varying detail across the jurisdictions  
Stoppings/Seals/barricades? 6.25, 6.40.2, 6.41 Pt.36.715/716/736 42, 207, 249, 212 barricades 50, 155-157 Generically in all BC/NS/CBDC has no time limit on setting seals; Alta < 3mths  
Explosion Proof Stoppings 6.40.2/6.41.1 (substantial) Pt.36.716 115(1) Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Varying detail across the jurisdictions, except CBDC  
Methane layering Not found, maybe elsewhere Pt 36 712(2) 204(5) air velo'y>20m/min 126 Not in BC? Varying detail across the jurisdictions, CBDC requiring detection and correction  
Methane Drainage Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found, maybe elsewhere 250-252 50, Not in BC/Alta? Only in NS/CBDC reflecting their higher methane contents  
Flammable Gas 6.42 Pt.36.543/730-732 54, 234 110(2) intake;126-132 Generically in all Both BC and Alta Codes require flammable gas monitors as  
Gas Detectors 3.12/6.42.1/6.43.5 Pt.36.543/738-740[MSHA/UK/CSA] 76, 120, 234 126, 132 Generically in all Varying detail across the jurisdictions  
Notify and improve 6.42.3 Pt.36.543.2 59, 125-128, 240 126 Generically in all BC @1.0%; Alta just requires audible alarm @1.0% (20%LEL)  
No blasting/diesels Not found, maybe elsewhere (8.11.5(2)?) Pt.36.731.1.3/4; 732 225(1,c), 225(5), 393 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? BC/NS/CBDC not specified; Alta @1.0% (20%LEL)  
Electricity off 6.42.4 Pt.36.731.1.2 234-240 130, Generically in all BC @1.25%; Alta @1.25%(25%LEL); Ns non-gassy0.5%, gassy@1.25%; CBDC21.25%  
Withdraw personnel 6.42.5 Pt.36.731.1.1 27, 240, 243, 130, Generically in all BC @ 2.50%; Alta @ 2.50% (50%LEL); NS & CBDC@2.0%  
Prohibited Metals                      ) 6.36.3(4-5)/6.43.3 Pt.36.538 [160, 182(1,b)] 218 (1) CMSC Generically in all BC bans Al, Mg, Ti or light metal alloy u/g; Alta bans lt.metal alloys+Al blades; NS no mention of light alloys but bans on objects capable of producing heat or fire; CBDC:CMSC req't  
Combustible Dust 2.3.5, 6.31, 6.44 Pt.36.742-744 180-186 133-136 Generically in all BC has more detail than Alta; Alta has no limits<10m face; NS equiv to CBDC  
Dust on floor, roof, sides 6.44.1 Pt.36.743.3/4 182-186 133-136 Generically in all BC >30% H2O or <50% combustibles; Alta >30%H2O or <35% combustibles  
Volatile Matter adjustment 6.44.2 Pt.36.743.6 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in NS/CBDC? BC decr.of 1.5% comb.s for each1.0% incr. In VM; Alta same for VM<32%  
Methane in air adjustment 6.44.4 Pt.36.743.5 184, 134, Generically in all BC incr of 1% combs per 0.1%CH4 if>0.25%CH4&Alta if VM>32%; NS just %com;Fed1%25>20%.  
Explosion Barriers 6.45 Pt.36.745 181,  137, Generically in all BCdry&dusty mines to Mgr's scheme; Alta by PEng design <200m face; NS generic;Fed<300mface.  
Sources of Ignition 6.43 Pt.36.693 45-46 138-141 Generically in all Varying detail across the jurisdictions  
Avoidance of flammable mat's 4.8 Pt.19.277 162, 144-145 Generically in all Varying detail across the jurisdictions  
SHAFTS & HOISTING 7.1 to 7.9 Pt.6 38-9,44,93-95/97-102,272-3,290-365 63-81, 93-96 Generically in all BC/NS more detail than Alta.  
Non-destructive rope testing 7.9.6 Pt.6.89 Not found, maybe elsewhere 69, Sch I Not in NS? Varying detail across the jurisdictions, except NS  
COMMUNICATIONS & SIGNALS 7.7/ 4.18.11 Pt.6.108/36.697-699 81/82/92 62, 96 Generically in all Varying detail across the jurisdictions, except NS  
RECORDS OF FAILURES 7.9.18 Pt.36.534 27 (2-4) Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in CBDC? Varying detail across the jurisdictions, except CBDC  
EXPLOSIVES/BLASTING 8.11.1-7 Pt.33; Pt.36.607-642/658-679 Pt 11 (366-423) Pt I (10-34) Sch II Generically in all BC ref. Explosive Act (Canada), NRCan Explosives Branch  
            CSA Standard M421-00, "Storage Standards for Industrial Explosives".  
OTHER STANDARDS (Separate List) Not found, maybe elsewhere Pt.1.3 Not found, maybe elsewhere Not found, maybe elsewhere Not in BC/NS/CBDC? Alta Code refers to "National" Standards only in Part 33; NS specifies NRCan Expl.Br, CSA M421-00 & certification of blasting m/c by MSHA/CANMET. A common list for BC, NS & CBDC maybe useful